Thursday, January 31, 2013

Heart On the Wall

I saw this on pinterest.

And immediately thought to myself, "Michaels anyone???"
So I went, and $57 dollars later, I came out with the supplies with this craft, and three others!!!

Insert Saw It, Pinned It, Did It here.
Love this link up from Keep Calm and Carry On

Here's my version of what I saw
 With a SMALL twist.
Step by Step.

1. Tape canvas to make stripes
 2. Paint the stripes
(you might need two coats, I did two just for safety)
 3. Let dry and remove the tape
4. Get buttons ready for design
 5. Arrange buttons & start to glue (I used Jewel-It that I had from other crafts)
 6. Let it dry, and viola.

I think the next time I will do one more similar to the one on pinterest, 
but for a first time canvas craft-er, I'll take it.

It you get this as a gift sometime in the near future, don't be surprised...

And all I have to say is 

Saw It
Pinned It
Did It


Oh and Michaels, I'm coming back this weekend

Happy Thursday!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What I Wore: Pinterest Told Me To Edition

Have any of you ever read this blog???
Well I just discovered Sheaffer, and I LOVE her blog space!!!
Such a great idea, Let's not joke with ourselves here.
  We all blog, and so we probably definitely waste invest 4+ hours on pinterest a week.  
Just consider the two minutes at the stop light, ten minutes waiting for the doctor, and five minutes your waiting for your coffee, yeah those add up quick.

Anyways I did a trail week, to see if I could do it.
Well Sheaffer, how did I do??
I'm not a professional like she is,
 but it did make getting dressed in the morning a whole heck of a lot easier!!!!

May just have to try this more often.
Happy Hump Day.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

True Life: I EAT My Words

Remember this post when I talked about being a good driver.
Well later that week, I went and did this to my bumper.

The worst part is, I did this after doing 5 hours of volunteer work for a local non-profit organization.
Talk about ironic. 
I just wanted to cry. 

But instead I remained calm, and called my boyfriend (with my hands free blue tooth of course).  
Any girls natural reaction, right???

He instantly calmed me down, made me feel, better, and told me he loved me.
He advised me 'not to worry about it and have a great night'.

I must have taken his advice a little bit too literally when I woke up to him flicking the lights on and off at 7:15am telling me we had to get my car because I had left it parked down town after girls night.   It must have been those kamikazes beers Saki bombs that got me. Or more likely probably a combination of all of the above. But girls nights don't happen every week, or month, so we 'went big'. That cabi we took home was weird too, it took him twice as long to get there as normal, I think he thought I was too intoxicated disoriented to notice. Well sir, I noticed, anyways.

Moral of my Bumper story is 1. Never to back your car into a stationary cement pole and 2. If you do, keep the repair quotes sitting in my driver side door panel to remind you that it ain't cheap.  
I am going to fix it, but not 'til after ski season, I figure why fix it now if for two more months I'll be schlepping skis and in out of the back. 

Until then I'll be driving around with a cracked bumper thinking about how many cool things I could buy with the money I'll have to spend on the repair.

I guess that's just part of growing up.

Good news of this whole thing. 
It really puts things in perspective, there are truly worse things in life.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Skiing and Silver Linings Weekend

This is my favorite picture from this past weekend. 
For obvious reasons: Mom, skiing, and mountains.

On another note, I saw Silver Linings Playbook this weekend.
And I must say Jennifer Lawrence won me over.
I thought she was good in The Hunger Games, but this role really showed that she could act.
I had fears that she would be Kristen Stewart 2.0, but shes not.

Also I think she is bangin'.
She looks good with blonde and brown hair, which is hard to do.
She has one of those 'sexy girl' voices, like the raspy low ones.
And wow, I realize it sounds like I have a girl crush on her, so that's cool.

But anyways, she reminds me of a 'normal' person, some one you might pass on the street.
She's not teeny tiny, or super curvy crazy- more a normal shape.
She rocks it out, and shes only 22.

Back to the movie. 
The broken sense of selves, that both Cooper and Lawrence have in this movie is intriguing.
I loved watching their personal lives and problems come together in such a weird, artistic way.
I thought each character was cast properly. 
And on a much less serious note, Julia Stiles made an apperance.
Where has she been hiding since Save the Last Dance???

Anyways if you like stories, movies, or books about about messed up families, 
people with addictions, and people and families that are somehow broken or struggling, then you'll probably like this film.

I'd say it's worth seeing, for sure.  But read a more serious review here.
A different pace from the action movies, Hobbit add on's, and fairy tales on steroids out there.
Oh and it proves that Cooper can play a role that's nor a chick flick or a Hangover.

Hope you all had a great weekend!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

I Confess: A Whole Lot of Silly Things

I am linking up with Leslie from A Blonde Ambition today to tell you a few things about me.

I confess sometimes all the time I miss my brother living in my same town. An 8 hour drive/1 hour flight, is simply too far, especially now that he's going to be a Dad.
Who couldn't love someone like this??

Circa 1993 at Grandma and Grandpas

I confess that I always watch the Bachelor (usually a Tuesday of Wednesday) and I don't like it when people tell me who gets kicked off.  I mean it's almost worse than someone ruining the end of a book. And I confess, it's stupid that I think this, it's reality televisioin.

I confess that I have something to confess next week. It's terribly dumb, embarrassing, and ironic...I'll leave it at that.

I confess that I NEVER read any of the articles in tabloid magazines, what's that saying, a picture is worth a thousand words? It's always VERY obvious what it's about.  That being said I can blow through US weekly in approximately five minutes.

I confess right before bed I spend 10-15 minutes browsing pinterest, instagram, and blog posts I've already read that day, and I am pretty sure it drives my boyfriend crazy.  I only do it so I can stop my brain from going a mile a minute, there are just so many things to think about.

I confess I have to think of at least one item of clothing I am wearing the night before, or else I WILL be late for work. No questions asked.  Which is just terribly dumb.

I confess we're (my BF and his family are taking me) are going to Brazil in March and I'm so FREAKING excited I can hardly sleep.  I love nothing more than traveling (pretty much anywhere, especially abroad) places, even more especially places I've never been.

I confess I really like the names my brother and sister-in law are considering for their little girl, I told you about here!!! I am so excited to be an Auntie!!!!

Hope you all have an awesome Friday.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What I Wore: I Don't Care Edition

Stop hatin' ladies.
I know it's winter, and I know the rule, but I DON'T care.
That's a lie, I totally care about what you think, but after I read this, I was thouroughly convinced that these white jeans were A okay to wear.

You might remember them from this, this, and this post.
Also the picture below is not flattering, at all.....oh well.

And these Toms are so flippin' cute.  My boyfriend got me a pair for Christmas, which is funny because he always complains about me having too many shoes, but I am not complaining.
Anyways, he really got me these, but they were too big, even though they were the same size as
 my other pair (he's a smartie, he checked).

And when I went to exchange them at Nordi, they didn't have any in the size I needed at any Nordstrom store, so I got these instead.

Also, look how long my hair is getting.
I know it's not long, but remember how short it was this summer???
I'm just excited that it's growing a little, and still looking healthy-ish...
Oh hi tree, How are you???

Hope you are all having a fabulous day!!!!
No reason not to.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

If I Were a Boy

If I were a boy, there a about a zillion things I'd do...

So I am linking up with Erin, from Living In Yellow 
to tell you what I would do if I were a boy.

I'd totally let my girlfriend go shopping for me, the hassle of the mall is too much.

I'd drink beer and burp in public shamelessly. To be clear, I do drink beer in public, but am humiliated if I burp in public, that's just not lady like.

I would totally be captain every sports team, because lets be honest no one wants to date 'that guy on the soccer team', they want to do the captain.  If you're going to do it ladies, do it get what I am saying.

I'd listen to country music, and go to as many concerts with my buddies as possible.  That might be the best place to pick up some single ladies...

Oh, those were day days #collegethrowback

I would totally change my own oil, for two reasons. One to save money, two to impress that girl who has no idea her oil even needs to be changed (and no, I'm not that girl, I get my oil changed on time).

I would totally do things like this in public, why the heck not???

This was not a staged event.

I'd probably 'pre-load' or 'pre-game' before I went out the bars. I mean common I'd have to save money some how, and buying ladies drinks can get expensive.

I would smile more often. Every girl, love a guy who smiles. Don't even tell me I am wrong.

I'd always wonder why the heck girls use so much chap stick, is that really necessary??

I'd own a dog in college. I'd get tons of ass attention.

I'd be scared out of my mind to ask permission to marry someones daughter. Talk about pressure.

I'd drink chocolate milk, eat gummy snacks, make turkey and cheese sandwiches, and put insane amounts of taco bell sauce on my home made tacos, because I don't 'have to grow up'.

I would totally milk that 'guys mature later' stereotype, just as an excuse to act more ridiculous for a longer period of time without being judged socially.

I'd totally be jealous if a girl could do something (aside from laundry, baking, cooking, and cleaning)  better than me. I'd need to earn my 'man card'.

I would mow every neighbors lawn, in hopes of seeing more of the 'cute girl on the block'.

I'd enjoy the ability to 'go' in locations that don't include a toilet seat.

I'd be really impressed if a girl could hang with me on the mountain.

Don't lie boys, you were impressed.

I would scream really really really loud if I stubbed my toe, just to be dramatic.

I would get my girlfriend flowers 'just because' every once in a while, just to get out of the dog house score even more brownie points.

I'd watch Tosh.0 all the time, while eating a slim jim, in bed. Just because I could.

I'd never be cold, ever.

Lastly, I'd wish secretly that when I had a huge pimple on my face that I too had awesome concealer and powder to cover it up, or at least make it less noticeable.

If you were a boy...
What would you do???

Monday, January 21, 2013

How Do You Know?

How do you know if he really loves me?
Okay, who doesn't love that song?

Here's the link just in case you want to hear it RIGHT NOW!!!

But this post is seriously about 'How Do You Know??', 
because there are so many things in life no one tells you.

How do you know when you are too old to shop in the Juniors Department???
It's okay when you're in college. And then you graduate...dun, dun, dun. You find yourself in the middle phase, you know the one where you're not an adult, but you're not a college kid either. That is just the worst feeling, well ever.  This is the time when your attempt at business causal is black skinny jeans, with a target tank, and a nice blazer from Express.

Well then one day you realize, oh shit, I am not in college anymore, major buzz kill, and the majority of your closet turns into 'adult/work' wear which doesn't seem as fun as your sun dresses and cut offs. But you keep those items in your closet to wear during your 'down time', aka the time you're not trying to pretend that you're all grown up.

Here's my 'fancy' business attire

When do you need to 'make the change'?? And by change, I mean when do you go farther in the Target clothing section and/or not rush straight to the BP section of Nordstrom.  It's not like someone tells you, or you're not welcome in those stores anymore.  Let's just say I am afraid of the being 'that girl', you know the one that shouldn't be shopping in that section.
How do you know when to start using anti-wrinkle cream???

I wish my face looked like this!!

 So they say the younger the better, but how are you supposed to remember to do this in college when you're out partying up late studying every night.  You never see or hear of your friends doing it.  All the ads say 'the younger the better', but how young is young?? 

I just started this year, and I feel a little bit behind the curve. I mean do I already have wrinkles hiding under my eyeballs?? or crows feet??? that are just hiding, waiting to come out and say, "You know Kaylin, had you started that wrinkle cream a year earlier, we wouldn't be here"

Just let me know people. What cream should I be using? Where can I get it? And how many years will it take to undo the damage I have already done???  And please don't say "botox" because it's not an option (cough, yet, cough).
There are a zillion other things that I wonder about, 
but these two are two of the ones I think about the most.

Share your thoughts....
I'll take any advice!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

True Love Found in a Albumn

If this isn't the most precious picture you've ever seen,
then you're crazy.
Because this is what two people in LOVE look like.

This is a picture of my grandparents just before they were married.
Grandma is getting older, as we all do, so I've been spending more time with her.
I'm lucky because I can. She lives right around the corner from where I work.
I spent a few hours going through photos with her, this weekend.

And the biggest smile I saw all weekend, was when she saw this photo.
Her quote, "Those were the days, I just love that man."

She may be one of the craziest ladies, I ever met.
And she definitely has a few habits that I would never want anyone else to have,
but all of these things have made her Grandma.

And, just to prove that the incident was not a isolated,
this is a picture of their first Christmas as a married couple.
 Please note the tinsel on the Christmas tree, and awesome curtains.
And they spent 56 more Christmas's together.
So they did something right.

Yup, that's all I have to share with you guys today.
I know that not all of us are able to have grandparents in our lives.
But I hope that those who have them, have been able to enjoy them, 
and appreciate them, for what they have to share.

And if you get a chance, sit down and look through their pictures.
They might amaze you.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday: LIfe Update

Hi Zoey here,
 See this???
Yeah this is what Dad made for Mom the other day.
Similar recipe here.
Why does he spend so long making her dinner and not make me anything fancy???
Ricotta ans spinach stuff chicken sounds WAY better than whatever is chopped up and in my food.

Back to the point of this post.
See that toy to my right???
Yeah, it's AWESOME.
So awesome in fact, I chewed off one whole side the same evening I got it.
But that's not what so special about it.
It's an ANCHOR toy, from Mom's best friend, Nadine.
And they have some weirdo anchor bond thing happening that come from their 'sorority', whatever that is. But anyways you may of heard of Nadine, she has a puppy, Archie, who I am sure would be my best friend, if he lived in the same state in my same time zone.

This is what I did .0000483 seconds after Mom took this picture.
Don't Judge me.

Also I am so excited.
I am FINALLY old enough to go running with Mom.
It makes me happy, even if I do have wear that AWFUL running harness.
Okay enough from me, here's MOM.

Hi Guys, 
Happy FRIDAY!!!!!!!
If you follow me on istagram, you would have seen my fabulous new bracelet.
If you don't follow me, you're dumb you should.

When does F21 NOT have the most perfect accessories???

 Hope you are all ready for a THREE DAY WEEKEND.
About damn darn time, those two five day weeks were hard.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Letter to me at 16

I don't know if you guys remember, but this whole blog was inspired by 
my East Coast bestie, Nadine.
If you haven't read her blog, get your little butt over there, 
because I said so she's awesome!

Last week, she wrote a letter to herself at sixteen (here).
And invited others to join.
How can I turn down her invitation???
So please enjoy.

Dear Kaylin,

You're almost too busy, it hurts. Just take a step back, a realize you might not be able to do it all, you're only human after all.  But never stop being proud of yourself.  How many of your friends work, play three sports, and go to school? Nope, none of 'em, you have a quality that allows you to  make things happen, don't lose that.

That job you talk about is at the local Cold Stone, that's right you sing when you get a tip.  But you are the cake maker, and making those Disney cakes is pretty darn awesome, especially for a girl that still sleeps in a twin bed under a Cinderella poster. 

You don't wear much make up, you don't straighten (or brush) your hair, and you sewed your own prom dress.  Some other girls might call you, 'weird', but you'll learn later it's refreshing.  You are pretty lucky though, you have a computer, TV (with cable), and phone in your room, this is awesome.   Also you randomly take salsa lessons with a group of your friends, this is awesome, and spontaneous. #aheadofyourtime.

But do me one favor, and please don't put those red 'high lights' in your hair, they really don't look as good as you think they do.  Also don't worry so much about your 'platform' J Crew flip flops or Puma Romas getting dirty, you should have bigger things to worry about.

Field Hockey is your life, you think you want to play in college, Division one, but is that realistic? You'll soon learn that's not what you want. You want to enjoy college, and not stress and commit yourself to something so large and time consuming.  The good news is your two best friends play hockey as well, and you'll know them FOREVER.  Do take time to thank Mom and Dad for driving you two hours each way to participate in an expensive Olympic development training program, all to help make your dreams come true.  They really didn't have to waste invest all that time (and money) on you, but you'll learn more in the coming years that they'll support you through it all.  Your happiness alone can fulfill them.

Tying fabric together does not mean it's a outfit...
Enjoy the fact that your older brother still lives in your same town. He often (but only when he knows Mom and Dad are gone for the weekend) calls you to get a ride home from 'The Bars' at 2am.  Despite this, he also is your biggest cheerleader, and works hard to make you gain perspective on life in general.  Take notes from his calm and collected demeanor, you need much of this in your future.  And one last thing, don't do anything to scare him, he loves you, if anything were to happen to you, he'd never be able to live with himself.

School passes your time, you are doing well, but you worry endlessly about what college you are going to go to.  When you live in a upper middle class town, and all of your best friends have cumulative GPA's  above a 4.0, your 3.89 seems sub par.  On top of that your brother got into a great school, and you don't want to be the second child who is not as smart as the first child.  Stop worrying, it all works out, and you'll love where you go to college, even if it is in the same town you grew up in. (Remember that from this post???)

I can't believe I even put this posted this picture.
Yes you can use if for blackmail if you want.

Enjoy that fact that your parents are still married, in love, and are not your best friends.  You may not see eye to eye now, but them acting as real parents will allow you to be closer later in life.  They will and will also teach you lessons that will put a smile on their face when you finally understand them.   Plus they trust you, let you got to parties, and do pretty much what you want, as long as you are honest, responsible, and punctual.  They really have something going here...take notes.

Lastly just keep everything in perspective, you have an ability to snowball ideas in your head, making things seem like a bigger deal than they actually are.  Your parents and brother will always love you, you'll be successful, and you'll find happiness wherever you go.

I wish I could say a lot of your quirks go away, but they don't.  And I wish I could say that your perspective on life totally changes for the better, but it doesn't. You're fairly in touch with reality for your age, keep that going.  Just remember others might will always pass judgement.

One last thing, it's hilarious that you just got your braces on this year.
Good news is you will get them off the day of your senior portrait.
Timing is Everything.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What I Wore: Beautiful Nail Edition

My first manicure, ever, was this past year.
Remember when I wrote about it here???

Well I have since fallen in love with this self indulgent pampering, 
but realize I can't do it ALL the time.
After a few, my nails get a bit tattered, and it's money I don't NEED to spend.

So when browsing Target the other day, I was attracted to these little friends.
Essie Nail Stickers

I've heard about them, and wondered just how well they work.
I bought the ones you see on the left (with the sparkles), and did a 'test set' of nails.
And as silly as I thought it sounded, you literally stick these bad boys on.

It's not my best effort.
I'm new to this whole process, but I will say, it's much easier than painting.
And, it looks pretty darn good!!!

Overall I am very happy with them. 
They still look like they did on day on one on day three, which is more than I can say
 about my self manicure efforts; they are chipped without a doubt by day two in the first ten hours.

They are a smidge pricey, $9 for a set, but it beats the price of a manicure.
I would say they are worth trying.
Especially for a specials events, parties, or celebrations.

Have any of you ever tried the nail stickers???
What did you think??

P.S. I am dying to try those leopard ones...

Lady Lumps: Women Stereotypes

What's it like to be a girl.
We're stereotyped for all too many things.

1. We're bad drivers.
Which I admit, I am not as good of a driver as my Dad, brother, or boyfriend, but I would like to think with the exception of my one 'moment' if you will, I am do a pretty darned good job.  I just feel like if I can drive to and from work safely every single day, I can handle driving to and from the grocery store with my boyfriend as co-pilot, he thinks otherwise.

2. We PMS.
Okay so this might be true. But the only reason this happens is because we have to get a period.  If guys had to get a period, their PMS would be 204,487,319 times worse.  Because lets be honest, they are guys.  P.S. Boyfriend, I am sorry I cried after I got the wrong taquitos and shoe laces last week, I just felt like I had disappointed you, I was about to start my period...

3. Directions Aren't For Us.
Okay correct me if I am wrong, but left after the Starbucks, second right after the Taco Bell, and next to the Nail Salon are VERY accurate directions.  Who needs North, South, East, and West when we can get around 'organically' if you will.  Sorry boys, they roads I take might not be the most efficient, but I always get where I need to be. And if I call for help, please don't tell me "head South on ...." that WON'T HELP ME

4. We Crave Chocolate.
I'm not certain why we get this stereotype, it's not like boys don't ever need something sweet and savory in their lives, oh that's why they have girlfriends.  I guess this kind of goes along with number two, but there are worse things to crave chocolate, and it's not like we eat it We might only eat it six times a week, but who is counting. Okay, I am definitely not guilty of picking all the dark chocolate chips off of the cookie dough in the freezer at work...

5. I'll Be Ready in Five Minutes.
Okay, so this is why the world is unfair. Men get better looking as they age (read every man ever, especially George Clooney), and women get wrinkly and gray.  We have to do things to fight against everything (including gravity ladies) we have working against us.  So guys, if you want to have a good lookin' lady by your side, DON'T RUSH THE PROCESS, even if we do change our outfits five seven times before we leave.  It's worth the wait.

6. No Farting Fluffing Allowed.
Okay since when was it decided that women don't fart fluff.  Fluff is what my college roommate called farting, and it sounds much more feminine, so there you have it FLUFF.  But seriously this is just wrong. Don't two people regardless of gender have the same likeliness/probability of fluffing??? I'm not good at statistics, but I am going out on a limb and saying YES...Yeah that's what I thought.  So to be clear, I don't fluff, I'm a lady....cough cough.

7. We Gossip.
Who doesn't want to know what happened to that jock in High School, or the quiet nerdy girl in your chem lab??? Facebook is like the US weekly version of your life. You can see who wore what where, who is dating who, who broke up with who, who married who, etc.  Or for a older more seasoned lady, you want to know who's Mom brought those awful cookies to the potluck, or who was late to pick up their kid from soccer practice, and why.
 It's not gossip if it's true right???

These are just a few of my takes on stereotypes that make me laugh.

 Any other fun ones to add to my list?
Can you relate??
Let me know....and maybe they'll be a second edition...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Insta Weekend: Perf!

You know what's embarassing??
When you say 'perf' out loud to a stranger, who is serving you your food.
Yup, I did that this weekend.

No more using abbreviations in life, ever.
I use them at my office with co-workers, and at home, and apparently in public as well.
I've got to stop.

Anyways now that you know I humiliate myself daily, here's a snap shot of my weekend.

1. Date Night = Fabulous Red Peacoat, Filet Mignon, and Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake. #Yum.
I could do this more often, again it was us using our Christmas gift cards.

2. Saturday night pizza, while my boyfriend was out, and I ate half of it ALL by MYSELF. I am not even sad to say that! It was delicious. I hardly ever go to California Pizza Kitchen, but when you have a zillion Christmas gift cards to use, and you're home alone, you get inspired.

3. Zoey, she's just so darned cute. Don'tcha think???

4. Remember when I got these fabulous shoes from Target in this post? Well their twin was on super sale (I mean $9, how could I not buy them??) so I swooped on them.  It was a good investment. I am certain. Personal recommendation, get your butt moving to your Target, and see if there are any at your local store!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coming May 2013...Auntie K

I know, I know, with the 'Coming' part you might have thought to yourself....
WTF mate, shes not even married.
Not to fret folks, I am not having a baby, but my sister-in-law is.
It's a girl!!!

So I will be 'Auntie Kaylin' (Auntie K to make it easier) in May.
I'm so excited!!!
I mean do you see the bride and groom???
Yeah they are going to have cute babies, I know.

Super cute babies...okay lets just start with this one baby, then we can talk about a second.
Their My little girl will be wearing 'My Auntie Loves Me' onesies, 
until it is socially inappropriate.

On another SUPER exciting note, on my best friends is getting married.
Remember her from this post?
When I went to Austin for a three musketeers reunion.
The one who lives in North Carolina that I mentioned here...

The one in the middle!!!
Apologies this picture is circa 2008

Yup, shes getting hitched, and I am going to be in her wedding on August 10.
I can't many fun things between now and then.
Like another bachelorette party, remember this one in Vegas???
This one might just be in Chicago.

I have so many things to look forward to in 2013.
I can't even believe it.

What do you have to look forward to this year??

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What I Wore: Chombray and Vest Edition

I found the inspiration for this outfit on pinterest, here.
Shocker, what can't you find on pinterest these days.
The last three meals I have consumed were recipes from there. 

Anyways, this was that vest I was saying was a good deal, here.
It was such a good deal that I bought two of them, whoopsies.

I really need to get this whole work out thing going this year.
The Holidays were not kind to me, if you know what I mean.
Those lbs. need to come off, and they don't just fall off...
so I need to get my butt in gear.

Hope you all have a good day!
We're already half way through the week!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Ski Local: Tradition

It's kind of hard to pin point exactly when it happened,
falling in love for the first time is overwhelming.
 But I think I was six, when it happened.

How could a kid not like being dragged to the snow, and forced down a ski slope.
Okay, so I wasn't forced, my Dad taught me, patiently helping me pizza my way down the hill.
Why my family decided to teach me to do one of the most expensive recreational sports, I'm not sure.
But I thank them every day for making skiing an activity that my family loves.

 Yup that's my Dad, right there. 
Isn't he adorable??
I hope I have that much passion and energy when I'm his age.

And it's been something my entire family has enjoyed doing together for the past twenty years!
It does help that I grew up two hours away from some of the best skiing in the country.

But it's not so much the activity that I enjoy, okay well that's a lie.
But what I really love about skiing, is the peace of mind that it brings me.
When I am skiing there is nothing else in the world that matters, any stress, thought, 
or anything else happening in my life disappears. It's almost like magic.

And that is what inspired the name of my little blog.
 Stay Blonde, Ski Local.
Two things I believe in whole heartedly.
Two things that have strong meaning to me, and represent parts of who I am.
 Anyways, Saturday was my first day on the slopes, my first day of the season;
It was a brilliant one at that.  Blue skies, and perfect cruiser slopes, 
and Mom and Dad skiing with me.

What is it that brings you complete peace of mind?
When does your world disappear?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Friday Letters

Dear 2013,
I've got a good feeling.
Please deliver.

Dear Car,
You've been washed, and after a year your handsfree bluetooth option finally works.
If only I had known that four digit code ten months ago when I bought you. 
It would have saved me hours of speaker phone...

Dear Girls in White Dresses,
A very good book.
I recommend reading it.
Quick, entertaining, and relatable.

Dear Weekend,
You're here again.
Love this.
If only every week had only three work days.

Dear 'The Bachelor',
 You're starting soon.
I'm not excited at all.
Just kidding, I can't wait. I love that cheesy show.

Dear Boyfriend,
Thanks for recording JP and Ashley's wedding, 
turning it on, and tucking me in bed to watch it.
You're the best.

Dear Ski Season,
You're here!!!