Monday, September 30, 2013

5 Things You're Cool Enough For That I'm Not

If this isn't the truth in life, then I'll quit blogging now.

I pretended was actually cool for a hot second this weekend with when I went to the blogger brunch that featured Nordstrom beauty because Mira made invited me. I would be WAYYY to scared to go alone. But I totally enjoyed myself, was out of my comfort zone, and affirmed that bloggers (even big ones) are actually totally down to Earth people, which is hard to remember sometimes in blogland.

What I will say, is this event made three things very clear.
ONE// Being a 'blogger' is fun.
TWO/ I need a bloggy business card...suggestions anyone?
THREE// I'm just not that cool.

I digress. Every. Single. Last blogger in that room was bringin' it, and rockin' it.  And this is when I discovered I'm not as cool as I thought. Because in a room of less than thirty woman there were five (plus) trends I noted that are so 'in' right now that I could NEVER in a ZILLION years pull off.  And here we go...

1. Dark, dark lips
The lady who was helping us at the Jo Malone sample counter (side note:currently thinking this one might need to come home with me) was reppin' a deep purple lip, like these. And it was stunning.  I was looking at her lips like most people looked at Bubba's in Forrest Gump, not because they were that big, but they were that eye catching. I totally wish I had the balls or the female equivalent to try it.

2. Faux leather leggings
They are so in, but these athletic legs are not long, lean, or in any shape (pun intended) ready to be squeezed into a legging that is going to draw attention to them.  We (myself and I that is) work hard not to show just how trunk like the two things attached to the hips are. But dayum they look sassy, classy, and frassy (in all honesty I just needed another rhyming word) on every one else. Keep rockin' 'em ladies.

3. Wedged Sneakers
Although I am firm believer that no one will ever rock these as well as Gwynn Stefani, I will say most everyone I see wearing them, pulls them off. I would look like an elephant in a moon suit. Not literally, but the idea is I would look plain silly in them. But secretly I admire them and any person with enough courage to wear them.

4. Bangs
Every fall I toy with the idea (key word here idea) of getting bangs. I never pull the trigger because us thin hair gals, have to use all the hair we go to make it look full. But there is something about the cooler weather (if we ever get it) that encourages the dawning of hats, hipster glasses, and loose sweaters, all of which look way more 'fierce' for lack of better descriptor, with bangs.

5. Track Pants
I'm still not certain this is a style that I will ever think is cute on anyone.  So seeing as how I don't like it on anyone, I certainly wouldn't like it on myself. Anyone with me on this?

Until next time cool bloggers, I'll be at the other table.
Or my desk, because it's Monday.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What I Wore: Trouble With Technology

As our technology continues to advance, I realize the (new soon to be mine thanks to a cracked screen) iPhone 5S has more pixels in the camera than my point and shoot (used for these pictures) that I bought less than two and half years ago. Seriously making my four year old MacBook Pro (from college) feel obsolete.  Just to clarify, I will be using it 'til it dies, and hopefully that is more than a year out.
Sometimes I forget how fast technology is changing and how hard it is to keep catch up.  I was so proud of my Mom when she finally mastered the art of texting a picture, it was almost like a we needed a celebration equal to the size of my college graduation party. But seriously, she spent a solid year emailing pictures, in lieu of texting them, and didn't get the difference.

P.S. Oh a complete side note, these booties are the cutest things ever, Target delivers again.
Not only are they affordable, but comfy and perfect with colored denim, dresses, leggings, boyfriend jeans, etc. There will be a how to wear them in the future.

Oh and until I get the camera back, this bloggy of mine might be a little dull or out of focus.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Few Things...and a Meltdown

I confess last week I had a mental break down. Like serious uncontrollable tears running down my face, sobbing into the pillow, and borderline hyperventilation, and still have a boyfriend.  Call it girl, hormones, or quarter life crisis, whichever way you slice it, I am batshitcray.

I've abandoned my blog recently. Part of me feels really bad, and the other part of me feels incredibly liberated.  The dichotomy of blogging continues. Anyone else feels the woes of the hobby? And I'm still considered a small blog. How do all you big time gals do it?

Worked an evening event on campus last night. A freshman pep rally to be exact. They were born in 1993, part of me died inside. I have cognitive memories of 1993, I was rockin' pink spandex shorts, with my bangs clipped back and a lion king shirt (also pink to match said spandex). Or the outfit seen above. And these kids weren't even alive. What the ____?

Been doing lots of crafting recently, and have been loving the hobby lobby that is now less than five miles from my hours. Seriously a dangerous place.  I am going to make this for the two baby showers I have coming up. Fingers crossed they turn out.

Been tryin' this thing called yoga. Something about downward dog, just seems dirty. Also there is nothing relaxing about taking a vinyassa, that shit is hard.

We're still in the mid eighties over here in CA, please someone send us all things fall.

Oh and while we're on the topic of fun things. I cracked my iPhone screen, windshield, and DSLR all in one week. Now if that's not awesome, I'm not sure what is. Good news is bad things come in threes....or so they say.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Plunging Toilets with your Grandma

If you don't think this exemplifies quality bonding time with your grandma, then you can't sit with us, and we can't be friends.

Last night, my grandma had me over for dinner, and I can't say no to this.  Mostly because she's my Grandma, and also because she is hands down the best cook in the whole world.  I thought it was going to be an intimate setting she and I. So when the table was set for five I was a bit surprised, my Uncle and an old friend of his from High School would be joining us. 

And this is how my night ended. Now I am not blaming anyone, but not my Uncle, nor my Grandma, or myself had used the restroom during our four course meal, but when I got up after dessert (and just before all the other guests left) to use the restroom, I found the toilet in desperate need of a plunge.

I let the pair of guests leave, and then told my Grandma I needed a plunger, to which she replied, well Thanks for letting them leave first, you handled that very diplomatically. (<--she's just that PC).

And here you have it. Three cleaning supplies, two gals, one plunger, and a clog free toilet.

On a complete separate note, I am trying to take a page from Raven's book and not overwhelm a post with already seen instagram footage, but this was just too good.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It's Still Summer in CA


Dress//Old Navy

While ALL of you fine ladies are transitioning into fall, us California folk (okay so most of us) are still in summer.  Though my super early morning runs feel a smidge cooler then they used to be, the days are still well in the high 80's low 90's, shoot me.  While a hot PSL, layers, scarves, and boots sound fabulous, it's more of a iced pumpkin chai, maxis, and sandals type of deal we've got going on here.  Hence this dress that I scored at Old Navy this weekend thanks to my birthday gift cards. 

One perk of having a blog. Putting up your wish lists and having your friends and family read it, cough.  I got the watch, the toms, and a gift card to ON which were all floating around my social media world and direct subtle hints.

When we finally do get to fall weather, I dying to rock this, this, and this look, if I can recreate them. Some how all the Polyvore sets and pinned looks end up looking seventy three point two seven percent better when they are not on me, shocker.

Among other things I am looking forward to about fall. Seeing my niece again. FaceTime and pictures can only do so much, the bridal shower I'll be hosting (found some decor inspiration here), and going to a pumpkin patch, some how I missed this last year and I won't stand for going two years without picking out the perfect little pumpkin.

Wishing for fall, but always and forever loving living in CA, please just send me boot weather.
Happy Hump Day ladies.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Things that Make me a Grown Up

At twenty five, there are no more excuses. 

I'm not really sure what I want to be when I grow up doesn't work anymore. Because I'm there.
And since when have I been graduated from college for four years, I still reference my college roommates as roommates, despite the fact that I've been living with my boyfriend (grown-up) for what's pushin' two years now (more on co-habitation to come).
But not much has changed since twenty four. I look pretty much the same, except the hair cut, and I can't visibly see more wrinkles so my anti wrinkle cream every night before bed regiment is hard at work. (I didn't wear that stuff in college), one point for adulthood.

I love my job, but can't say I'll be doing it forever. Could it be a career, absolutely. It counts as a win.
My car still needs gas and a wash in the worst way. It seems as if both those things are needed far to  often for a this girl to actually keep up.  But I do keep my tires freshly rotated and change my oil on the recommended schedule, so that definitely makes me an adult.

In elementary school my Mom used to pack my lunch, every day. I was pretty lucky, and she was the best, I always had a lots of fruit, and veggies, and the sandwich of my choice, packaged nicely in Ziploc baggies, an eleven year old can't be trusted with gladware.  Now I pack my lunch every day (insert creature of extreme habit here), but it's in glass Tupperware, which is a clear indication I have made it in life.

Wine is for adults, and as much as I thought slappin' the bag of Franzia in college counted in college, I was wrong. A glass (or two, or four) of chardonnay won't hurt anyone, and is a sign of maturity when consumed multiple times a week just for fun.

I see the doctor annually (no lady likes goin' in to the doctor more than once a year), and I get my teeth cleaned every six months; I've yet to have a cavity. And I even have my own health insurance (it's not big deal, but many people my age still pony up with their parents for this), so I am adding it to the list.  And the cherry on the cake, I have my very own own health flex spending account, which should add two points to my 'I'm for sure an adult board'.

We got a sectional, and while this is hardly something that would make the normal persons heart go pitter patter, every time I see it a small part of my inside smiles, and thinks, "Wow I am so grown up."

What points do I have working against me? Well.  I still drink too much (at times), shop at Forever25 Forever21, love Disney princesses, and live near my parents.  But I'd like to think that just adding to my character.

Monday, September 16, 2013

There is only one way to drink Sangria, by the Pitcher

If this the past few days marked the beginning of the end of summer, I'd be okay sayin' goodbye.  Full of pretty much everything perfection, my weekend was awesome.

Things I was reminded of this weekend:

The only way to order Sangria is by the pitcher, forget the glass.

Petco is a scary place, seriously who buys their dog a bikini?

Sewing soothes my soul and is VERY time consuming

Don't buy booze or produce at the self check out line.

Friends on a Friday night is as good as life gets.

Bring your kindle/app to the post office, you'll need it for that line.

Belt sanders are clearly made for man hands.

Brisk morning runs smell better in fall.

Using the restroom in a romper leaves you feeling quite exposed.

Date nights don't have to be fancy to be fun.

Three days off is easily makes the weekend five times more enjoyable.

Hobby Lobby really does change lives.

Twenty five isn't half bad is fun.

Nordstrom has the best return policy (I don't even need to put ever on the end of this statement).

I'm not good at allergic to staining the deck. I think I can, I think I can.

The marriage of ketchup and mustard is perfection, especially on a hot dog (toasty bun of course).

Money can't buy everything, but it can buy Phillip Lim.

Action movies put me a to sleep, but a chick flick will keep me up 'til they are over.

My parents have more energy than I ever will, rim to rim of the Grand Canyon in one day, yup they've done it again.

Weekends are for naps on the bed pillows.
Please note she's allowed on the bed only when the blanket is on the bed. She's pushing her luck.

Hope you all had a great weekend as well.

Friday, September 13, 2013

How my ID Stole My Youth

  If you had asked if I was excited to be twenty five, I'd sure as hell tell you I wasn't. It might be that my new ID came in the mail and it doesn't have the red line that says Age 21 in 2009. (The red line that lives on my OLD ID screams, I'm still young please look at my ID closer). Or it might be that I am half way to fifty, either way it was gettin' to my head.  But I figured if Nadine could survive it, I could too.
Shared Words of Wisdom.

But as my birthday (yesterday) came and went, I realized it wasn't going to be so bad.  My day was perfectly normal from beginning to end.  Except for my new watch (he must read my blog), the Starbucks waiting on my desk, the door decorating, surprise lunch, princess balloon (now I know what my office really thinks of me), dinner date, and night spent by the fire,  among other things.
(please note, the watch)
And how else do I feel about 25? Or 24, after reflecting on it.
I won't bore you with that crap, because the truth is, I haven't given either much thought.
I'm still just sitting here dumbfounded trying to figure out how I went from 24 to 25 so quickly, it was like I blinked, and boom an entire year passed.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to Make Your Arm Look Skinny In Pictures

I'm a sorority girl, and lawrd knows we love the 'skinny arm', have coined the sorority squat, and love to tilt our heads (and sing songs, and drink, and wear matching clothes, among other things).

But seriously when I looked at this photo the other day a wave of internal panic struck. Does my arm actually look like that? Which is answered by an obvious hello look a the picture, but was easily solved with another set of pictures taken later that same day. Insert second 'skinny' arm picture here.

Moral of the story here, never pop your collar in pictures, ever, unless your looking to shatter any sliver(s) of self confidence, and revert to the tilted lean to restore all previous said confidence.

If there is one thing that is for sure, I'll be doin' tricks like this for years to come.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

10 Reaons I Love My Small Town

You all know, I'm a local gal, who grew up, went to college, and started my career in the same town.
Hate on it all you want big city ladies, but it's what I've known, experienced, and love, for almost a quarter century (my ovaries just cringed), and it's what I love.  Here's why.
1. Simplicity- There's nothing complicated in a small town (except maybe the gossip), but every day life is just as it sounds, simple. And while it might sound cool to grow up in a big city, small towns can be cool too.

2. What's That You Say. The hustle and bustle of large cities can wear and tear on you. Nights interrupted by city cars and honking Taxi's among others things is nice to visit, but not for me. The quiteness of a small town is refreshing and revitalizing. Although it can be a hassle for college kids wanting to rage, but if the PD wasn't called out of for noise seven times on a Friday night what else would they fill their time with?

3. One High School. Who doesn't want to know every single last High School kid in their town? It makes social life that much easier. See picture above
4. Biking. In those awkward pre-teen years you don't have to rely on parents to cart you to and from your friends houses you can bike. Though it didn't seem cool at the time, you'll soon learn they are awesome.

5. Driving Around (and making curfew) Getting from point A to point B is easy and probably definitely takes less than ten minutes. This is ideal for running errands, going to grocery store, and making curfew.

6. The Paper (if you have one). We've got a small local paper, that on an given day you chose to pick it up and read, you'll recognize at least three names and maybe even more pictures. And the news is like Eigth time Little League Coach begins his ninth season. But Seriously.

7. The Eats, it's not hard going out to dinner. There are only so many restaurants to choose from and when most of them are in the same two genres of food  (Thai and Sushi) it's a pretty easy choice.

8. Shopping. It's not hard to shop local, but it isn't easy either. There isn't a huge mall, or even many 'chain' stores. Although when the Target (the town fought it for YEARS) went in (three years ago now) lives were changed forever.

9. The Town Is Your Family. In a big city your probably just another somebody on public transit, in a small town you're a somebody (which can work both for you and against you, I'll tell you that much right try calling in your own abcense when your Mom knows the attendance lady). But in times of need, the whole town comes together and makes things happen. It sounds cheesy, but is oh so true.

10. Time. In a small town time comes and goes. Life isn't rushed through, there is no true hurried or rushed feeling flowing through the city.  Time is measured by the number of swim meets that weekend and the annual return of the college students.
 P.S. And then just when you think you're not cool for staying your entire life, you realize all your closest friends are moving back...and then you don't feel so bad.

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Seven Unoffical Rules of Tailgating

Tailgating is a culture that I have yet to master, but I rocked it out yesterday. My college didn't have a huge tailgating culture, one regret of not going to a Southern School or Oregon State, and I didn't spend much time at MLB or NFL games growing up either.  But what I do know about tailgating, I love.  The idea is simply flawless.

1//EVERYONE IS FAMILY. You could show up alone and leave with twenty three new best friends. There is not rule of not talking to strangers, if they're in red or gold, they're family. No questions asked.

2//COCKTAILS REQUIRED.  Always have a cup in your hand, always. If you don't your group, or new found friends will give you shit, and then fill up your cup. Just drink.

3//EAT THE FOOD. It's usually delicious, but if for some reason it's not, still eat it. You will for sure be drinking beers in the stadium and after 4-5 hours of tailgating you'll need something in your stomach.

4//THERE IS NOW FLOW OF TRAFFIC. The parking lot flow of traffic and parking spaces are like traffic lanes in Cairo, they don't exist. Every man for himself, but don't work those drunk hooligans that have already been out there for hours will help you along.

5//NO PURSES ALLOWED. Do not bring in a purse. Just a phone, ID, cash, and lip gloss

6//BE AGGRESSIVE At the stadium you are a human sardine, if you don't make moves, you won't move.

7// Have water in the car. It'll save your life.

And here's to a great NFL season!

Friday, September 6, 2013


For those that follow me here already know I chopped my hair off, this whole birthday thing my be hitting me harder than I thought.  How does someone with short hair have four inches to cut? My hair dresser is the only one who will ever know.  But I love it, and am just a wee bit sad that buns may no longer be possible. I won't give up without a valiant attempt, pinkie promise.
Among other things, this weekend marks the first weekend of the official NFL season, which means I'll attend my normal one or two games (courtesy of my boyfriends family), and I'll love every single beer and second of football (and tailgating).  No but seriously we always have a blast.

This is the first of two (or maybe three) consecutive four day works weeks, which no one can complain about.

It took me five years of having an iPhone to finally crack a screen. It happened when I was getting out of the car in my very own driveway, now tell me how did this not happen during the years of drunken escapades at the bars in college? Maybe the 5s is in my future?

It's Friday, and we're going to my parents for dinner...and I can't even wait for it. Homemade apple pie. Just stop right is 5:30 yet?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Five Things My Morning Can't Go Without

One / Two / Three / Four / Five

ONE// Let me let you in on a little secret, Audio Books, make any commute long or short, go by in a flash. I just finished Tina Fey's Bossypants in a little over two weeks (I have a twenty minute commute), and I could swear to you I didn't drive a minute. Seriously best idea I ever had, not if only I had thought of this sooner.

TWO// No morning can pass by without eating a banana. I don't even like bananas, but they are so darned good for you, I can't not eat one. It's part of my ungawdly creature of habit routine. I will stop at the store on the way to work (while listening to said Audio book) and buy one if I don't have one. My body counts on it ;).

THREE// How did I ever survived 23 years without using dry shampoo? Might be the biggest question of the century. This yuppie here (that's me) washed her hair every single day for the first twenty three years of her life, come on. Now I rock third day hair like a champ (remember?), all the time.

FOUR// My favorite running shoe of all time, ever. Everyone has a different preference, so I know this isn't for everyone, but morning work outs can be. Any morning is 23, 408% better with a work out. Who wants to get sweaty and gross after work anyways?

FIVE// Just discovered this BB Cream stuff when my bestie was out here. It works small miracles on this extremely freckled, uneven, polish white face of mine, and for that I am forever grateful. What a great discovery, and even better price.

What are your top fives for the morning?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Date with Dad

The perks of being a local gal are random lunch dates with your Dad, home cooked birthday meals, among a zillion other things that I can't think of at the moment because there are so many it's hard to nail just one down.  So when Dad called yesterday inviting me to 'lunch his treat', I couldn't say no.

It's weird sometimes having lunch with my Dad thinking just how long he's known me, and how he has coached me (literally and figuratively) through every life phase so far.  Sometimes I wonder what he might think. While I know most every parent defaults to 'proud', which I am sure he is; I wonder what other thoughts float around up there in that head of his.

And as we approach the three year anniversary of his open heart surgery I can't help to think how special his is, and just how blessed we are to have him with us, in simply perfect health.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Global Weirding

Born and raised a 'California girl', it's clear this is all I have ever known, so yesterday morning at 10am when the sky opened up in to a down pour that lasted about five minutes, it was weird. Freaky Friday weird except Freaky Labor day weird, but that doesn't sound nearly as cool without alliteration.

As the day passed and I made my rounds to Target and Old Navy (I had to get in one some of those sales) the weather was hot and muggy, East Coast style.  And then the evening concluded with some thunder and lightening and a few more spouts of rain.  Seriously what is happening?
I would think this was totally ridiculous, then it hit me. Global Weirding is in full effect. It all started with Miley last week, then I had to work all weekend, and in less then ten days I will officially be closer to 30 than twenty which is scary.

As far as my birthday list goes, I haven't even really stopped to think about it.  I still have my eyes on the Roomba, a sweeping robot, sign me up.  And while most people want it for when their babies start to crawl, I want it so I can increase my laziness and never minimize the number of times I actually have to sweep.
I have a list of a few things at Old Navy that I want (this, these, and these). But I got a coupon this weekend, $20 off of $50 so I'll be using that soon, so I think I got those covered.

Aside from that I really want to take a photography class, and hang out with all my friends.
 I also want a meal (made by my Mom) that will conclude with an apple pie.  I guess what they say is true as you get older, birthdays aren't as big of a deal.  That is until I hit thirty of course, cause we're gonna have a BIG birthday bash when that happens!!!