Tuesday, April 23, 2013

5 Fun Glasses to Try On for FREE

If you've never heard of Warby Parker, you are missing out.
It's an online glasses shop, where you can purchase prescription glasses for $95 a pair. 
 I'm looking for a new pair, and went back to what I knew, Warby.

You're probably thinking online glasses shop, how does that work if you can't try them on.
Well, yup, you guessed it (the pictures probably helped), YOU CAN!!!!

You can pick five frames you like, and have them sent to you for FREE, 
So you can try them on (for five days), see which you like, and send 'em back.
And then order the ones you like for only $95!!!!
-Such a deal, hello Cafeteria fund-

Pair One: Loved that they were two tone, did NOT love that they are too small for my face
 Pair Two: These are actually green.
Pair Three: These are a wire frame, and they hurt my schnaze
 Pair Four: Too dark for this white girl
 Pair Five: Resemble my High School chemistry goggles....just being honest.
Which pair do you like???
Which do you think I ordered?
Here is a picture of my first pair of Warby's.
I've had them for two and half years, and I love 'em.
The frames are so fun and funky.
I always get compliments on them when I wear them.

If you have any questions about the process, let me know.
I'm happy to answer them!


  1. Cute cute cute! I love the green ones!

    1. That's the pair I ordered!!! yay I can't wait 'til they come in!!!

  2. I love the green ones!! Such fun pics!! :)

    1. Thanks, if you wear glasses you should totally try it!!! Their frames are so unique!

  3. well... it's just not fair that you look that cute in glasses! luckily i don't need them but I also couldn't pull them off!

    1. I am sure you could!!! You can pull anything off :)

  4. Love love LOVE the second pair! You look gorge in all of them!

    1. Yay- those are the ones I ended up getting!!! Thanks for your input!

  5. Second pair are my favy fav!!

  6. what a fun way to shop for glasses - I didn't know how affordable they were. love the green ones :)


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