Monday, April 8, 2013

Bitches Be Running

 Just the moment when the skinny fit bitch lady comes around the corner, and passes you on your run.
But she doesn't just pass you, she passes you with a perfect ponytail,
no sweat, and color coordinated work out gear.

You all know who I am talking about, a girl that looks like this 8 miles into her run.

I do like what this image says, in case you were wondering.

She makes running look easy, effortless, and envigorating.
She probably runs twice as far as you do in half the time.
It's just not fair.

I'm an avid 'runnier'. 
Meaning I run voluntarily anywhere between 3-5 miles 3-4/week.

Well here is a true story that inspired this post.
The other day, I'm struggling to run.

You know the days when you get out on a run, and your mind just stops your body in it's tracks, 
sounding something like, " think you're running today, well lady, I have different plans for you." And your body says, "Yes, I am going to keep running, but every step will be labored, and you're going to look like a flailing rhinoceros while you do it."
And your mind turns up her nose, says,"fine." and walks away.

Yeah that's how I felt.
And during my last half mile, this beautiful skinny bitch girl runs from around the corner, with a perfect pony tail, legs that don't touch, color coordinated running gear, and a sweat-less forehead.
And right then and there I wanted to stop and give up.

My mind was like, "Dang she's fit."
My body was like, "You will never look like that, you're just never going to be a petite girl."

And that's when I started running just a little bit faster, still not fast enough to catch her, but a little bit faster until I reached my front door step and thought,
"Worst three mile run of my life."

And my body said, "Yup, but you'll do it again tomorrow because it makes you feel good."
And she was right, I was right back at in the next day.

Maybe to others I am that flawless runner, maybe.


  1. This is awesome... and yes, I think the same when I see "those women" out on their run. But I'm not out running with them... I am driving past them..cause I don't my thoughts are irrelevant.. haha.. And ummm.. LOVE the new blog look my friend!!

  2. lol The worse is the girls who look like that while pushing their 50lb jogging stroller. They are still skinnier than you, and at a faster pace. That's the worse!

    1. Oh goodness I can't even imagine that! I will for sure be lapped when I get there. I am many years out though!


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