Monday, February 18, 2013

Peace, Love, and Rock and Roll

 and Rock and Roll

No, those are not the name of the three puppies, but how funny would that be? 
Back to my weekend post...Remember we were at the cabin??

Similar hoodie here.

This is what a very excited Dog Mom looks like fresh out of bed on a three day weekend.
Why am I excited you might ask...?
My baby Zoey girl had the WORST runs this weekend.They aren't joking when they say change dogs have weird stomachs.  
We forgot Zoey's food at home, and she ate the other puppies for the weekend, which DID NOT agree with her. Let's just say the smell of her kennel yesterday morning made my boyfriend puke, and the clean up process including power washing, squeegeeing, washing, and it was not a short one.

I'll leave it at that...Trust me, you do NOT want to know the details.

 This is how she recovered...all day yesterday.
30 days 'til vacation!!!


I mean doesn't this seem like I should be able to meet Jesus,
but I am thinking he's there waiting for me with open arms.

This also looks like fun, and very stressful...

That's it.
Oh it's Tuesday...and I didn't even have to work yesterday.


  1. Could not be more jealous of your trip to Brazil!

  2. Poor Zoey baby.. hope she is feeling better. Yeah I didn't realize how sensitive puppy tummies are until we switched Bella's food. You must be so excited for your vacation! Looks like you will have such a blast! :)


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