Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rediscovered: Books on Tape

I don't have the worlds longest commute, but the 20 minutes in the morning and evening does add up through the week.

I got tired of listening to Todays Hits commercials, and had this flashback to the family road trips of my youth and books on tape.

Though many cars don't even have tape players anymore, books on tape have not died. iTunes has a great selection of audiobooks (a bit expensive but totally worth it), and I am currently listening to Fifty Shades of Gray. It's a trilogy that I have heard mentioned many times recently, on the Today's Show, recommended to me by amazon, etc.

It's a trilogy, and from what I have listened to so far it's very interesting and descriptive. Can't say I would listen to it with others in the car- it's a bit of an erotica shall we say.

This makes me feel tricky...I get to 'read' two books at once. One in my car and one on my kindle. Gotta love this.

Do you have a commute?

Download a book, and get a listenin'


  1. I love books on tape! It's definitely a great way to "read" two books at once. My commute these days is too short but I always stop and pick up a few from the library if I'm going on a road trip. Local libraries tend to have great selections of books on CD.

  2. I'm sure the book makes for an interesting commute! Lol I've never tried a book on tape! I may have to test it out on my next road trip!


    1. It's interesting. If you are traveling with people choose your book wisely. Fifty Shades of Gray is great, but a bit graphic shall we say.


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