Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Brad Paisley,
You were better in person than I thought you would be, and My Band Perry you rocked as per usual.  Great Thursday Night!!!!

Dear Boyfriend,
If you would like to get me an early birthday present, cough cough, these would be perfect!!! Size 9!!! P.S. They are only on sale 'til the 5th, just sayin'.

Dear Concealer,
Thanks for making me look like attempted sleep last night.  Ever so kind of you.

Dear Zoey,
You DO NOT like the gentle leader we got you, but it makes our walks much more enjoyable, so guess what it's staying.

Dear Brother,
I love that you sent me this cool photo you took.  It made me smile.  Also I love that sharing things from far away is so easy these days, what did we ever do before iPhones???

Dear Kindle, 
It's high time we spend more time together.  Weekend watch out.

Dear Laundry Basket,
You've done it again, one week and you're over flowing.  We're only two people, HOW does this happen every.single.week?


  1. Right. Totally ridiculous!!!! But good news is our dryer is fixed so this weekend will be better!!!!
    Have a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I did THREE loads of laundry yesterday (one is still in the drier. Fail.), and there's only two of us here too! How does that happen!?!?

    Just found your blog through Nadine. Love it!

    1. Right- totally crazy that two people can easily create 3-4 loads a week. I think it's between the work out clothes, work clothes, and fun day off clothes that is happens. But still, sometimes it's a BiT too much!!! Glad you found me through Nadine. Don't you love her???

  3. Cute boots! What kind are they? Good luck with the laundry.. I tend to put mine off as far as possible.. ha!

    1. Steve Madden- and they are on SUPER sale right now with the anniversary sale at Nordis. I've mentioned it a few times in my blog...obsessed. As per laundry if I don't do it on Sunday. I am SOL. And a very unhappy girlfriend. :)

      Happy weekend!!!

  4. Amazing boots!!
    Hope you and your kindle enjoy the weekend

    1. Thanks- lets hope we get them!!!! Also I just went to turn my kindle on and the screen is all messed up- so I need a new one :( buzz kill. Hope you have a great weekend :)


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