Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

1. The Fair Photobooth
2. I never want to go on this ride again
3. Zoey collects our dirty laundry for us
4. Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Happened this weekend
5. Lunch Dad with Dad- Thai food is delicious!!!
6. All Smiles at the fair

Things that made my weekend so great:
The Fair
A 'family' swim day on Saturday
Movie Date : Dark Night Rises (sooooo good)
Clean Sheets
Purchased a Dress for wedding on 8.11.12, the bride picked it out.  Remember her from this post, and the bachelorette party?
 Delicious Pork Roast
Lazy Sunday that was actually productive: I cleaned!!!
Things that Made Monday so Great :
Remember last week and the total Case of the Mondays (read more here), this week I decided thing would be different. 

So I woke up on the right side of the bed!!!
Talked to my bestie, remember her over here?
Slept in (and didn't even feel guilty about it)
Wore my white jeans (remember these guys?) which are a 'go to' favorite
Went to lunch with my Dad- pictured above....I wasn't hungry at all
Stopped my and said Hi to my Mom
and Called my Grandma

Why this Week will be GREAT
Hair Appointment: goodbye roots, hello Blonde :)
Getting my brake lights fixed (this makes me sound like an adult...)
Adventures with visiting friends
Brad Paisley Concert
All my New Followers :)

Just a little fun weekend flare.
And I already know I have weird toes. 
But thanks for noticing, since I am sure you did!!!!

Stay tuned for the Successes of the Anniversary Sale!!!
And my Wish List!!!


  1. Cute blog!!! I love that color of nail polish that is so pretty! I went to the Nordstrom Anniversary sale as well :) New Follower.

    1. thanks! I thought it was a bit bold for the toesies, but it's summer so who really cares right??? and I am still going to the Anniversary sale- Online...oopsies

      Happy Tuesday!

  2. LOVE the nordstrom sale. a little too much :) your weekend looks like a blast... and I may have to get that nail polish color :)

    1. a lot too much is right....and you should the color is great thinking of doing my fingers to match!


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